FHA Loan Lenders

FHA loan lenders can make determined First Time house buyers’ dreams come true. In addition to helping you secure financing through one of the government’s home loan programs, they can ensure home ownership even for individuals with less than perfect credit. Please visit: https://ezonlinemortgage.com/fha-loans

Home Refinance Loans

Black Knight estimates low mortgage rates to make 8.2 million mortgages refi eligible. The current low rates may even increase home loan refinance applications to 9.7 million. If you wish to become part of the refinancing population, let us help you assess your eligibility today.  please visit us: https://ezonlinemortgage.com/refinance

Refinancing Mortgage Loan

The time for refinancing your mortgage loan is NOW! According to the Wall Street Journal, even the 30-year mortgage rate dropped below 4% in May and hasn’t increased yet. So, consider this the best time to lower your monthly payments and move fast to get a pre Approval loan. For more information please visit us: https://ezonlinemortgage.com/refinance

California Home Loans Made Easy

Buyers often think that finding a home they like is the most difficult and involved part of purchasing a home. And while it’s true that it can be difficult to find a home that’s in a great location that still meets all of their needs, finding a house is generally the least of their concerns. Securing financial support and a reasonable home loan is far more difficult. With that said, there are plenty of options to keep in mind, especially when it comes to online home loan solutions.
Online Brokers vs. Traditional Brokers
Finding a great home loan requires speaking with professionals skilled in that particular area of finance. Where exactly that conversation takes place, however, is up for interpretation. Buyers can meet with a traditional brokers in-person and pursue a loan that way, of course. They can also reach out to an online mortgage broker instead.
Opting for an online broker when pursuing home buying loans might seem a bit concerning. The process is still a bit new, after all, and many buyers wonder if applying for a loan online is safe. The answer, of course, is “yes”. And while most of the work might take place online, it’s also possible to find online lenders who also have physical locations where buyers can meet with professionals to learn more information about their options.
Home Loans
For buyers pursuing their dream home, securing home buying loans is vital. With financing in place, they can move forward with the home buying process and invest in the house in question. Online brokers can help make this process a fast one. Aspiring buyers can typically submit their paperwork and other necessary documents directly through the broker’s website, where they are handled promptly by skilled professionals.
Working with an online mortgage broker is a good option for almost anyone. It is a particularly great option, however, for individuals who don’t have the best credit. Online lenders generally offer more loan options with more forgiving requirements than traditional lenders. That means that even buyers who might have been turned down for a home loan in the past could find themselves approved.
Refinancing Loans
Finding a good lender isn’t the end of the road where mortgages are concerned. Sometimes, life circumstances change and necessitate a chance in monthly mortgage payments. Homeowners in need of home mortgage refinance solutions might also consider looking to an online lender. Individuals in this situation often find themselves in a dire situation where staying current on their mortgage is becoming harder every month. They need a fast solution.
Online lenders provide quick service that tends to move faster than more traditional home mortgage refinance options. For homeowners in need of help as quickly as possible, this is often the best choice. It’s even more helpful when online lenders have physical locations where they can meet with clients in person, too, in case they have any questions that cannot be answered online. Homeowners in need should seek out this kind of online lender for the quickest help.
Pre-Approved Loans
Buyers who are hoping to move quickly through the buying process will likely want to secure a home mortgage pre-approval. This helps give buyers a bit of an advantage over competition as it shows they are not only serious with their interest, but also have the means to act on it. Many sellers will prioritize offers where buyers have been pre-approved for loans for precisely this reason.
Applying for a home mortgage pre-approval can be an overwhelming process – but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, many buyers opt for online lenders to help with the process. Because they have more flexible loan terms and less stringent requirements than traditional brokers, online lenders are more likely to approve someone with less-than-stellar credit or an otherwise imperfect financial situation.
Picking the Right Online Lender
Once buyers or homeowners have decided to work with an online mortgage broker, all that remains is to find the right fit. Whether they are hoping to refinance their current loan or are seeking pre-approval, potential borrowers should consider what is most important to them in a lender. Some might feel better with a company that has physical locations as well as an online presence, for example, while others might prefer an entirely-online option. Once the important factors have been considered, it becomes easier to narrow down the search for the perfect online lender.
Get The Best Online Pre Approval Instant

Get The Best Online Pre Approval Instant

Online pre approval instant helps determine the mortgage plan that works best for you. During the pre approval stage, all your documents are verified by the lender to see whether you qualify for a particular mortgage or not. Nowadays, things have become easier, allowing you to seek and acquire pre approval online and get it instantly, be it for home buying or refinancing a mortgage. Most home owners are venturing into investment refinance property. However, the qualification standards for investment refinance property are normally stricter in comparison to seeking mortgage for your residential home.


Refinancing investment property is considered to be too risky, thus lenders demand for higher rates of higher down-payments. Nonetheless, before you take part in investment refinance property just because everyone is doing it, you need to consider mortgage rates California that best suits your financial aspirations.

Also, you can explore other options aside from refinancing your mortgage for example taking a jumbo mortgage. You can consult online mortgage companies to find out which option is best for you. Whichever mortgage plan you decide on, remember to have all your documents in order to speed up the pre approval process. As long as your papers are in order, you can obtain online pre approval instant.

Who can seek a jumbo loan?

Jumbo mortgage is mostly sought after by first time home buyers, particularly those who work in hi-tech industries. One thing you should note is that jumbo loans differ from conventional loans in that jumbo loans have stricter standards. The higher the jumbo mortgage amount, the harder it is to qualify. In order to be eligible for this mortgage plan, you need to have a minimum credit score of 700, a down-payment of 20% and enough money saved up to manage your living cost for the next one year. If it’s your first time buying a home, you’ll be required to have a minimum of 42% debt-to-income ratio, other lenders may demand even lower.

To find out whether or not you qualify for a jumbo loan, you can consult online mortgage companies. If you qualify, the next stage would be to get online pre approval instant. However, since jumbo loans involve hefty amounts, it may take the lender several months to verify the information you submit.

Keep up with the latest mortgage rates

When selecting a mortgage plan that works best for you, one thing you need to observe are the latest mortgage rates California. There are several types of mortgages in the market, which can be confusing for a first time home buyer. It is important you know the various mortgage plans before you set out comparing the latest mortgage rates California. When selecting a mortgage, go for the one that protects your financial interests.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help

There are various Online Mrtgage Companies that offer free consultation for matters related to mortgage rates, the various mortgage plans and online preapproval instant. They are the best people to go to for valid information. They can even advise you on the best mortgage plan for you or even help you calculate your credit score. If you ever need assistance, don’t hesitate to go online and ask for help. However, make sure the company you go to is valid.

HARP 2 Refinance California Great Option for Homeowners

  If you’ve been paying attention to the real estate and mortgage market recently, you may have noticed that current mortgage rates in California are lower than ever. Those poised to get a mortgage today will save thousands more on interest than their predecessors. In the midst of these low prices, you may have thought to yourself, “Now would be a great time to refinance!” Unfortunately, however, for those underwater on their home, a refinance can seem like a fantasy at best and a total impossibility at worst. If you want to refinance but owe more on your mortgage than your home is worth, never fear. There is an option for you. With HARP 2.0 refinancing, you can free yourself of your burdensome old mortgage and save thousands per year with a new, better loan.

What is HARP?

HARP 2 refinance California

                What is a HARP refinance California? HARP stands for Home Affordable Refinance Program. We’ve all heard about people who lost their homes in foreclosures during the housing boom and the subsequent housing crash. Many people got saddled with homes worth far less than their mortgages. To help out responsible borrowers facing this situation, the Obama administration rolled out the HARP program in 2009. It has recently been revamped into a new and improved version called HARP 2.0. HARP 2.0 has seen huge success and has helped thousands of people underwater on their mortgages refinance their homes. In fact, according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, in 2012, twenty percent of all U.S. refinances in May were under the HARP program.

Who Qualifies for HARP?

            HARP is a great program for homeowners, with lenient loan terms and ideal interest rates. In fact, a HARP refinance California is seen as an attractive opportunity for many homeowners. Unfortunately, only some qualify. HARP qualifications are strict and limited to homeowners underwater on their mortgages. Additionally, to qualify for a HARP refinance California, you must meet the following requirements: 

-Your mortgage must have been backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac before June 1, 2009.

– You must be current on your mortgage and must not have made any late payments in the last six months. A late payment is classified as a payment that is more than 30 days overdue.

-Additionally, you must not have more than one late payment in the past 12 months.

-This must be your first refinance through HARP. If you have refinanced through HARP 1.0, you do not qualify for HARP 2.0. 

Why Apply for HARP? 

            Current mortgage rates in California are at historic lows. If you are on a 30-year fixed mortgage or even a 15-year one, the interest rates you are paying monthly are likely substantially higher than the rates today. Today, rates are hovering between 3 and 4%. Refinancing is a great way to start paying what your home is actually worth, and save money in the process. In fact, you can save hundreds of dollars per year! Use the money to consolidate your loans, go back to school, invest in a second property, start a business, or go on the vacation you’ve always been dreaming of. Additionally, a HARP refinance may allow you to change the terms of your loan. If you want to pay off your mortgage faster or get a more amicable mortgage plan, a HARP 2.0 refinance could be a great choice for you. 

Ready to Start?

            If you’re ready to refinance or want to know more about it, visit www.ezonlinemortgage.com. EZ Online Mortgage is an accredited mortgage brokerage with virtual offices all across the state. We offer you unparalleled ease and convenience when it comes to applying for a HARP 2.0 loan. Book your free consultation today!